Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) Cases

There are are many factors SORB will consider when deciding your classification level, but the most important facts are usually the ones they don’t know yet.

This is where I can help.

I have over a decade of experience helping clients who are facing classification for the first time, seeking reclassification, or requesting termination of their duty to register.



My Approach

Practice before the Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) is unique. Unlike your criminal case, we’re no longer working within a black and white system that has clear winners and losers. Instead, SORB’s job is to decide where on the spectrum of “low risk” (Level 1) to “high risk” (Level 3) you fall.

No two clients are exactly alike. But in every case, I’m guided by the same basic principles: contextualize, support, and explain.

We can’t change the past, and my clients are usually the first to acknowledge how much their past actions have hurt people, and they have no interest in making excuses for all the things they wish they could take back. I don’t make excuses for them either.

Past Future

Instead, my job is to help you – once you’ve already been held accountable for what you’ve done and embarked on the path to rehabilitation – show SORB that labeling you as a dangerous sex offender is not going to advance our common goal of public safety.

Case Results

What if I’m Innocent?